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FunSimMat - Functional Similarity Matrix

XML-RPC Server

FunSimMat provides an XML-RPC interface for performing automatic queries and processing of the results. The interface is available at It provides the same query options as the web front end. It accepts the accession numbers of the GO terms as comma-delimited list and returns the rows of the results table in the form of an array.
The functions supported by the XML-RPC server are listed below. Examples for the use of the XML-RPC interface in different programming languages (Java, Python, PHP) are given here.
New parameters, that were introduced with FunSimMat release 3.1, are optional. This ensures that the XML-RPC server stays compatible with existing scripts. These parameters are marked red.

Semantic similarity search

A semantic all-against-all comparison of a list of GO terms can be performed with the function:

    list: String, comma-delimited list of GO term accessions, e.g. GO:0000001,GO:0000002
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Comparing one protein / protein family with a list of proteins / protein families

A functional comparison of a protein / protein family with a list of proteins / protein families is performed
with one of the following functions:

Functional.getScoresGp2List(acc1, accList, resultCount)
    acc1: String, protein or protein family accession, e.g. P48559, PF00255, or SM00043
    accList: String, comma-delimited list of protein / protein family accessions, e.g. Q06324,Q02486
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Functional.getScoresGp2Taxon(acc1, taxon, resultCount, level)
    acc1: String, protein or protein family accession, e.g. P48559, PF00255, or SM00043
    taxon: String, the NCBI Taxonomy accession of the taxon, e.g. 9606 for human
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
    level: String, determines the level of the comparison, either "0" for comparison to all
      annotation classes, or "-1" for comparing to superclasses only
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Functional.getScoresGp2Mim(acc1, mim, resultCount)
    acc1: String, protein or protein family accession, e.g. P48559, PF00255, or SM00043
    mim: String, the NCBI MIM accession of the MIM, e.g. 222100 for Diabetes mellitus type I
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Functional.getScoresGp2Db(acc1, resultCount, level)
    acc1: String, protein or protein family accession, e.g. P48559, PF00255, or SM00043
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
    level: String, determines the level of the comparison, either "0" for comparison to all
      annotation classes, or "-1" for comparing to superclasses only
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Comparing a list of GO terms with a list of proteins / protein families

There are two functions for performing comparisons between a functional profile and a list
of proteins / protein families:

Functional.getScoresBa2Taxon(type, goString, taxon, resultCount, level)
    type: String, Go term type: bp, mf, or cc
    goString: String, comma-delimited list of GO term accessions, e.g. GO:0000001,GO:0000002
    taxon: String, the NCBI Taxonomy accession of the taxon, e.g. 9606 for human
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
    level: String, determines the level of the comparison, either "0" for comparison to all
      annotation classes, or "-1" for comparing to superclasses only
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Functional.getScoresBa2Mim(type, goString, mim, resultCount, level)
    type: String, Go term type: bp, mf, or cc
    goString: String, comma-delimited list of GO term accessions, e.g. GO:0000001,GO:0000002
    mim: String, the NCBI MIM accession of the MIM, e.g. 222100 for Diabetes mellitus type I
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
    level: String, determines the level of the comparison, either "0" for comparison to all
      annotation classes, or "-1" for comparing to superclasses only
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Functional.getScoresBa2Db(type, goString, resultCount, level)
    type: String, Go term type: bp, mf, or cc
    goString: String, comma-delimited list of GO term accessions, e.g. GO:0000001,GO:0000002
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
    level: String, determines the level of the comparison, either "0" for comparison to all
      annotation classes, or "-1" for comparing to superclasses only
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Perform disease protein prioritization

A functional comparison of an OMIM entry with a list of human proteins is performed
with one of the following functions:

Functional.getScoresGp2List(acc1, accList, as, resultCount)
    acc1: String, OMIM accession, e.g. 114480
    accList: String, comma-delimited list of protein / protein family accessions, e.g. "P04439,P30455"
    as: String, the annotation strategy to be used, either as1 or as1_t2
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.

Functional.getScoresGp2Taxon(acc1, taxon, as, resultCount, level)
    acc1: String, OMIM accession, e.g. P48559
    taxon: String, the NCBI Taxonomy accession of the taxon, should be 9606 for human; other taxa work with as set to "as1"
    as: String, the annotation strategy to be used, either as1 or as1_t2
    resultCount: String, encodes the number of top results and the ontology to sort by;
      using -1_bp will return all results, e.g. 20_cc returns the 20 results with the highest CC simrel score
    level: String, determines the level of the comparison, either "0" for comparison to all
      annotation classes, or "-1" for comparing to superclasses only
Return value:
    An array with the rows of the results table. Each row is an array of Strings.
    The first row contains the column headers.